Last week I released a Jekyll boilerplate I call BoilerPack. After creating a few Jekyll projects I got tired of having to set everything up from scratch every time. It's usually the same stuff that needs to be set in place, so I created Jekyll BoilerPack, a repo that contains all the usual boilerplate stuff to start a new Jekyll project.
BoilerPack comes pre-configured with the following tools so you can hit the ground running:
- Bootstrap 3 (Sass port)
- Font Awesome (loaded from CDN)
- Autoprefixer
- Grunt
It also has the following features right out of the box:
- Static navbar
- Sticky footer
- Old-browser warning notification
- Disabled-javascript notification
- Site-wide custom notification
- Dynamic go-to-top button
You'll find detailed installation instructions and usage documentation on the GitHub repo. Feel free to copy and modify as you please. I hope it's as useful to you as it's been to me.